Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Licking at Life

Dear Ms. LaPooch,

How do you tell your friend that they have that they have a spot on the back of her shirt?


Dear Purrplexed,

I think your questions centers around one larger question:  How do you go about telling friends that there is something unpleasant about them?

You’ve heard of the expression, “What are friends for?” Well, friends are for support, and when you support someone, it doesn’t only mean hanging out and having fun.  Real support means pointing out to your friend that something is wrong.

My guardians, Mary and Jim, are my true friends.   When I took them on a walk the other day, it was a rainy day in Seattle; go figure.  I wasn’t going to let a little rain stop me from relaxing in some the tall green grass.  After we get home, they pointed out a muddy smudge on my coat and removed it immediately with a Baby Wipe.  If that hadn’t done the job, Jim would probably have taken me right into the shower with him for a shampoo. And I would have let him do it. After all, a girl has to always look her best. You never know who might pop up unexpectedly, wanting to snap a quick photograph of you.

Even though I was angry and caught off guard initially for having attention called to the unwanted mark, I quickly realized that it would be even more embarrassing for me to spend the rest of my day with a brown blemish on my back, other than the très chic heart-shaped spot I was born with and display proudly, wherever I go.

Here’s one last important piece.  Break the news when the two of you are alone, and nobody else is within earshot.  Nobody likes it when the whole room has to hear about their flaws or shortcomings.

All that said, you need to tell your friend that she has a spot on her shirt, but do it in a respectful and supportive way.  In the end, she will love you for it.

                                                                 Love and Licks to you and your friend,

Have a question?  Bark up at zzlapooch@gmail.com!