Thursday, September 13, 2012

Can’t Remember a Name?

 Dear Ms. LaPooch,

I was at a party recently and was talking to a one of my friends.  Then, another person I knew walked up.  When I tried to introduce them to each other, I couldn’t remember the name of this other person.  I was really embarrassed.  What in the world do I do when this happens?

-     Embarrassed

Dear Embarrassed,

You are not a lone wolf.  Everyone has experienced a dilemma like this in his or her life.  Personally, I rarely forget a scent, although I have been known to get confused at times, especially when Jim or Mary take me out before I am fully awake and back on the alert. But anyway, knowing how to handle forgetting names is an essential skill of Divadom, and Divadom is what I am all about, now that I have been mentored by Nessa.
So here is what you do:

·         Honesty is the best policy here.  This might sound like, “Please tell me your name again.  I’m drawing a blank. Please forgive me.”  If you remember where you know them from or you last saw them you could add something like, “I remember seeing you at the dog park last week.” 
·         After you apologize, don’t spend time dwelling on how embarrassed you are.  Otherwise it will become uncomfortable for all parties involved.  The good news is that most of us have faced this sort of problem, be it forgetting a name or a scent. Only a mean-spirited, foul-humored canine or human would take offence.   However, this does not excuse you from working hard to remember names.
·         Also, it is important to be gracious when you are on the other side of this situation.  If you bark at other dogs when they forget what should be your familiar scent, they will most likely bark back.  Be a hero and greet the individual with your name, a smile, and a friendly pawshake.
·         Lastly, avoid playing guessing games with people’s names.  Listing a litany of names will make you look as silly as a small puppy, barking at his own reflection in a mirror.  Conversely, don’t make someone try to guess your name.  This response is just bad manners and serves nobody.
Love and Licks,

Have a question?  Bark up at!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Dear Ms. LaPooch,

When I go shopping, the salesperson always takes care of me last even if I was there first.  I think it is because I look young.  Is it rude to say something?

-  Ignored

Dear Ignored,

It doesn’t matter what age you are – or, in my case, how low to the ground you are – no one likes to be ignored.  I definitely do not like to be ignored.  My guardians, Mary and Jim, though loving and thoughtful, are sometimes busy with their own lives and forget to take me on walks.  Sometimes others do not even know they are bypassing you.  You have every right to speak up. I stand right by the door, whining only rarely if absolutely necessary. You could try whining, too, I suppose.

The most important part of speaking up, whining, or barking is the way you do it.  You must walk the doggy tightrope and be very firm and respectful at the same time.  Remember that we train others how to treat us by the way we treat them.  You could say this, “Excuse me, I think I am next in line.  I’d like to purchase these doggy biscuits.”  Remember, a loud and contemptuous bark will only suggest to others that they ought to do the same to you.

If you find that this happens repeatedly at the same store, shop somewhere else and let the manager know in a polite note.  You – and anyone who is courteous – deserve better treatment.
Love and Licks,

Have a question?  Bark up at!