Friday, March 1, 2013

Who Needs Unsolicited Advice?

Lynne, a loyal follower of my FaceBook page, writes:

Dear Ms. LaPooch,
What do you say to your dog friends and humans who give you unsolicited advise about any and everything?
For example I am a vegetarian. I do not announce it to everyone or give people advice about what to eat. (Can you believe what humans eat?) It is really very hard not give them advice. The first thing someone says is "do you get enough protein?" They do not understand what a dumb question that is.
Please help, ZsaZsa.

Dear Lynne,

I get this kind of thing all the time. People try to give me or my guardians advice about the proper balanced meal for maintaining my svelte figure. They do not seem to give me credit for knowing when and how much to eat. Certainly I am not going to put anything into my system which might be harmful for me. I put everything to the sniff test test and then make up my mind whether or not to gobble it down.

Is this what you do? Do vegetables smell better to you than meat? I must say that I really like broccoli, especially is there is a hint of curry sauce on it.

Basically, what I think is that you need to cultivate the ability to growl and change the subject when a person or a canine tries to influence you regarding food choices. It's your life, and i want you to live it to the fullest. Enjoy every day. Go for lots of walks. Take in all the wonderful smells around you.

And take plenty of naps, too. This way you can be at your most clever when the wannabe do-gooder proffers her unwarranted advice. You can steer her right into a more important topic,  like who has the right to determine that French bull dogs are only the fifth most popular breed in Seattle!

                                                                                        Love and Licks,