Friday, June 29, 2012

Hello & Woof

Dear Divas-in-Training of the World,

I am ZsaZsa LaPooch. Surely you know who I am. I hear a lot about you from my guardians, Mary and Jim.

I am not just any dog. I am a Diva, and a real original one at that. Even though I am only five. I am very cute. I know that because, well, that is who I am. I am a highly evolved Diva at that.

I was trained by the best, my Auntie Ness. I was her apprentice and niecette-of-choice for close to a year. She taught me so many things: how to listen, how to think before I act, and how to use my natural talents in a way that helps everyone in the world. She always said, “Sometimes the family we choose is the best.” And she was almost always right about things like that.

I must tell you that I am writing this while feeling a little sad. You see, my Auntie Ness became very ill with cancer. I thought she would get better, because she was so strong. She did not. Just before she died, she told me I was very close to the end of my Diva training and that I would know when my time had arrived. She also told me I had to tell her when it happened.

Auntie Ness, I am a Diva now.

I knew I was a full of Diva-Ness the moment I decided to write this blog. You see, I used to be a therapy dog in Jim’s medical practice. My job was to calm people down and make them feel good. I received treats from them, but without realizing it at the time, I gave even more. I gave lots of love and licks. I made people feel good and created good memories for them. That is what my Auntie Ness did for me.

Now I have decided to make it my job to help you achieve the Diva-Ness she knew anyone can achieve. So, to facilitate matters, I am asking you to be my pawpal. I wouldn’t mind learning more about you.


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